September 4, 2013

WICE Member Spotlight: Marnie Keith-Murray

C’est la Rentrée.  Welcome back! 

We hope that everyone has come back from vacation tanned, rested, and ready to attack the new year.  Here at WICE we've got a great line up of courses and events to kick start your Rentrée with excitement.  Some courses are tried-and-true while others are just being introduced for the first time and eagerly awaiting your participation.  So whether you’re new and thinking about enrolling in your first WICE course, or a seasoned member taking your favorite course again, WICE has something to offer you this fall. Check out our courses, have fun learning something new and make cool friends.  But don’t take our word for this. We recently received some great feedback from one of our many satisfied members.  

Here’s a bit about Marnie Keith-Murray and what she had to say about her experiences with WICE:   

Why did you move to Paris and what do you do here?

Marnie Keith-Murray
I am a sailor and for 5 winters after my retirement as a management consultant, I went south to the Bahamas and the Caribbean crewing on other peoples’ boats.  I crewed on sailboats and trawlers meandering down the IntraCoastal Waterway from Toronto to Trinidad through both calm and stormy seas.  I loved the people I met and the adventures but something was missing from that life.  In 2010, I journeyed to Paris and discovered what it was, and it was the unabated culture and history which I found in Paris.    I had lived in France and Belgium for four years in my twenties and I had fond memories even then of wanting more!

How did you find out about WICE and why did you join?

I found out about WICE after 3 months in Paris as I was attending a conversation group called Parler Parlor.  There I met a woman who described WICE as a must-do organization and I immediately loved the sound of it.  My friend was right and I loved it right away.  I love to learn about a city from a non-tourist angle and WICE does that in spades exposing all its members to unique experiences from a new perspective and in the company of fabulous people who all seem to share my curiosity in Paris.

What courses have you taken?

My choices at WICE have been more experiential than the more formal courses offered.  I thoroughly enjoyed museum visits, mystery lunches with Dan, excursions to Hotel particuliers , historic tapestry weavers at La Manufacture des Gobelins, HQ of the Garde Républicaine and even learning how to discern perfume scents.  Conversation groups on Tuesday and Fridays were invaluable and added to the depth of my Parisienne experience over the three winters.  Added to these events were the wonderful food and wine pairings at Helene’s apartment and wine tasting seminars with Tom.  Finally, I had the good fortune to attend two cooking seminars with Françoise.  To enjoy Paris at such events with newly discovered friends is a joy indeed.

What have you enjoyed the most in your experiences with WICE?

While all the learning and exposure to new activities and places is wonderful, it is the personal network of friends made through WICE which is the icing on the cake.

How has WICE affected your stay in Paris?

             Quite simply, WICE enriches my winters in Paris.

What have you learned from WICE that you didn't expect?

I guess I have learned that all of us, from whatever country, have so many similarities in our love of Paris.

How would you describe WICE to your friends?

It’s an Anglophone educational and cultural group designed to deepen your understanding of Paris and that YOU MUST JOIN!  Plus, it is a real bargain.

What are you looking forward to, in future WICE offerings?
I shall look forward with pleasure to see the future offerings selected by the wonderful board of volunteers.  So far, their choices have been intriguing and fun. Why should it be any different?

Thanks Marnie!

***Don’t miss these upcoming WICE social events:

·         September 12:  Make new friends at WICE’s Welcome Coffee. 

·        September 24:  Talk to the instructors and learn about all of our courses and events at  WICE's Open House.

Post by Veronica Kugler